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Values & Celebrations

Work hard, reach for the stars and you will go far!

“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37

Every child matters and every voice is heard.  All children are challenged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring Christian environment, enabling them to move on as well-rounded, confident individuals, prepared to face the future.


 At Carlton C of E Primary we expect all of our children to treat school staff, visitors, our school environment, the community and other children with respect at all times. We recognise that it is the right of every child to receive an education without the threat of any kind of bullying, physical or emotional.

We expect our children to move around the school in a polite and courteous manner and trust them to follow our school values in allow them to be ready, respectful and safe.  At Carlton Primary School are Core values are to nurture, be part of a community, be independent, have aspirations, show integrity and celebrate everyone's achievements. Each Core Value is subdivided into  6 sub- values, one for each week of the half term . As Carlton is firmly rooted in Christian beliefs these are taken from the Christian values  and  Christians will be able to link them with the teaching and example of Jesus or other pertinent Bible teaching.   We feel these values encompass our school and  our pupil’s development. 

Our Value this week is part of this terms  Achievements Value

Humility:  Being humble about one's achievements.




                                    Autumn Term                                                   Spring Term                                                    Summer Term 




Values Assembly

 On a Monday, we hold a Values' assembly to introduce and inspire the children at the start of the week.  The value is discussed that enabling all children to understand what they will be focussing on and learning throughout the week embodies this. 

 The children that have shown they are using the current value are chosen on a Friday, at the Celebrations Assembly, to have a Value Leaf and a certificate - the leaf is placed on our Value Tree in the hall for all to see and the certificate is sent home. 

Celebrations Assembly

On a Friday, we hold a Celebration Assembly, to celebrate the achievements of the children in the school.    Alongside the Values award, each class chooses a child to go into the Golden Book, a  class dojo  winner (which is part of our behaviour programme), Maths Superstars and Reading Champions.   All of these awards are recorded in our Golden Book, which holds pride of place in our front foyer along with a photograph of the achievers for the week.